Soal UTS Bahasa Inggris Kelas 2 SD Semester 2

Soal UTS Bahasa Inggris Kelas 2 SD Semester 2 Kurikulum 2013 + Kunci Jawaban

Mata pelajaran Bahasa Inggris sudah di ajarkan sejak kita duduk di bangku Sekolah Dasar. Namun, pelajaran Bahasa Inggris di Sekolah Dasar atau SD masih diajarkan cara membaca dan bagaimana membentuk kalimat yang sederhana.

Sedangkan pada tingkat pendidikan SMP, SMA dan perguruan tinggi, kita akan belajar bagaimana tata bahasa dengan berbagai macam peraturan yang ada untuk membentuk sebuah kalimat dlaam berbagai kondisi.

Latihan Soal UTS Bahasa Inggris Kelas 2 SD Semester 2

Nah, pada kesempatan kali ini saya akan memberikan Soal UTS Bahasa Inggris Kelas 2 SD Semester 2. Dimana soal-soal tersebut akan diisi oleh siswa dan siswi yang duduk di bangku SD kelas 2.

Pada soal tersebut terdapat dua bagian, yakni bagian A dan bagian B. Bagian A merupakan soal pilihan berganda yang berjumlah 30 soal dan soal bagian B merupakan soal Essay yang berjumlah 15 soal. Simaklah soal-soal dibawah ini untuk menjawabnya dengan baik dan benar !

A. Put a tick (X) on A, B, and C according to the correct answer!

1. Tina is a child who likes cleanliness. So She often … the room.

a. Sweeps

b. Throw trash in the room

c. Dirty

Soal UTS Bahasa Inggris Kelas 2 SD Semester 2 No. 2

2. Below are the names of the fruits, except …

a. Apple

b. Orange

c. Yellow

3. Below are the names of animals, except…

a. Sunflower

b. Horse

c. Ant

success 4

4. We must …  if we want to be successful.

a. Lazy

b. Study hard

c. Sleep

5. Chicken has … legs.

a. 1

b. 2

c. 3

Read the text below to answer questions 6 to 10 !

It’s raining heavily today. Tora goes to school by car with her father. Usually Tora goes to school with Ryan by bicycle. Tora saw Ryan waiting for a taxi in front of the bus stop with his mother. Tora asked her father to stop the car at the bus stop. Tora opened the window and told Ryan to get into his car. Finally Tora and Ryan arrived at school without getting wet at all.

6. What ride does Tora usually take to school?

a. Taxi

b. Bycicle

c. Car

7. Who took Tora in the car?

a. Tore’s Mother

b. Tora’s Brother

c. Tora’s Father

8. Where did Tora see Ryan and his mother?

a. Bus Stop

b. Ryan’s house

c. Station

9. Why is Ryan at the bus stop?

a. Because he is waiting for a taxi

b. Because he is waiting for the bus

c. Because he is waiting for Tora

10. Who was Ryan with at the bus stop?

a. His father

b. His sister

c. His mother

11. Which of the following animals eat grass …

a. Ant

b. Horse

c. Crocodile

12. Which of the following animals eat carrots …

a. Mosquito

b. Rabbit

c. Butterfly

Soal UTS Bahasa Inggris Kelas 2 SD Semester 2 No. 13

13. Plants need … to grow.

a. Sunlight

b. Moonlight

c. UV rays

14. ….. is a place where we can borrow books.

a. The Bioskop

b. The Canteen

c. The library

15. …. is a place where we can buy food.

a. The market

b. The library

c. The Post Office

Read the conversation below to answer questions 16 to 20!

Tantri : “During the break, what do you want to buy in the canteen?”

Lia : “I want to buy a drink. Because I forgot to bring it”

Tantri : “How can you forget to bring your drink?”

Lia : “I put my drink on the dining table, then I forgot to bring it”

Tantri : “Ohh, do you bring lunch now?”

Lia : “Yes, I do”

Tantri : “Let’s eat lunch together”

Lia : “Okay”

16. From the conversation above, what does Lia want to buy during break time?

a. Snacks

b. Chocolate

c. Drinks

17. What did Lia forget?

a. She forgot to bring lunch

b. She forgot to bring book

c. She forgot to bring drink

18. Why did Lia forget to bring her drink?

a. She puts her drink on the Television

b. She puts her drink on the dining table

c. She puts her drink on the bedroom

19. Did Lia bring her lunch?

a. No, She didn’t

b. I don’t know

c. Yes, She did

20. From the conversation above, which part of Tantri’s sentence invites Lia to eat lunch together?

a. During the break, what do you want to buy in the canteen?

b. Let’s eat lunch together

c. Okay

21. My father has a mother. She is my …

a. Mother

b. Grandmother

c. Aunt

22. My uncle has a wife. She is my …

a. Aunt

b. Mother

c. Grandmother

23. My Aunt has a son. He is my …

a. Cousin

b. Child

c. Nephew

24. My brother has a son. He is my …

a. Cousin

b. Nephew

c. Niece

25. My sister has a daughter. She is my ….

a. Cousin

b. Nephew

c. Niece

26. The items in the bedroom are …

a. Soap, toothbrush and shampoo

b. Spoons, forks and plates

c. Mattresses, bolsters and pillows

27. The items in the living room are …

a. Frying pan, spatula and salt

b. Television, sofa and air freshener

c. Spoons, forks and plates

28. Which sentence below is correct ?

a. He is very diligent

b. Very Diligent he is

c. He is diligent very

29. Which sentence below is wrong?

a. Sinta has 2 brothers and 1 sister

b. She likes Apple

c. Yuna am a mother’s daughter

30. … is a pet dog house

a. The kennel

b. Tent

c. Cave

B. Answer the questions below with the correct answer !

1. A – R – E – T

Arrange the letters above into a word !

2. E – A – H – D

Arrange the letters above into a word !

3. S – C – H – E – T

Arrange the letters above into a word !

4. Mia is very tired. So She should …

5. Daddy keeps fish in …

6. If we want fresh air, we have to plant …

7. A friendly child will have many …

8. Eating vegetables will make the body ….

9. Mother … dishes.

10. Brother … homework.

11. Lina menyanyikan lagu dengan merdu

Translate the sentence above into English!

12. Ayah pergi kerja jam 7 pagi.

Translate the sentence above into English!

13. Ibu menyiapkan sarapan untuk keluargaku

Translate the sentence above into English!

14. Roni listens to her grandfather reading a fairy tale book

Translate the sentence above into Bahasa!

15. Nita just fell asleep

Translate the sentence above into Bahasa!

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Demikianlah Soal UTS Bahasa Inggris Kelas 2 SD Semester 2. Semoga soal-soal diatas dapat bermanfaat untuk siswa dan siswi kelas 2 SD

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